Support for better decision making
DDx, Tx and much more for AI-powered support

AI-powered CDSS for your assistance
- Generate Differential Diagnosis
- Build a Treatment strategy
- Review Patient Case Histories
- Ask Medical questions
- Details to educate patients
- Build an informed diagnosis
Review Patient Cases
Use Health Sphere to analyze your patient case histories and get Differential Diagnosis and a Treatment strategies.

Ensure complete Anonymity
Health Sphere saves no data on a patient and the user interface allows inputting patient case histories anonymously.
Increase Acceptance Rates
Use Health Sphere to educate patients easily and improve the patient treatment acceptance rate.

AI of Care providers
AI Nurse
Initial Triage and Help.

Monitor vital signs remotely.

AI MedScribe
AI Summarizer for Healthcare professionals.

AI Virtual Consult
Consultations and enquire.

AI Triage & Summary
Generate initial triages and admin summaries.

Health Sphere
A CDSS for medical professionals.
What are doctors saying?
Health Sphere is very useful actually for the final year MBBS students and the house surgeons. It is highly helpful during case discussions. It is a very good companion for them when they are in the phase of just starting their independent practice.
Dr. Nitin Thomas
It is a great tool that optimizes a hospital's workflow and helps in optimization. It has a huge potential to help overloaded health ecosystem in India and globally.
Dr. Chandrashekhar
How to get started?
Add a consult or a patient case history
Type out your query and hit the Send button.
Response is generated
You will receive your response (DDx, Tx, etc) in few seconds.
History tracks all previous responses
Use history to keep a track of previous responses.

Your Privacy Matters

Health Sphere is available at to try out for medical professionals.
Health Sphere is a tool to compliment a medical professional’s expertise and give them assistance while diagnosing and treating.
Yes, we have made Health Sphere free for use. We do have plans for a paid version offering better models and an overall service.
We prioritize the security and privacy of user information. Medista follows strict data protection measures, and all interactions are confidential.
Get started with Health Sphere today.