
Measure Body Vitals with Face Scan

Calculate 8+ vitals such as BP and HR from a 45 second face recording. Detect and prevent CVDs.


What are CVDs?

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs)​​

are disorders affecting the heart & blood vessels. Eg. Heart failure, stroke.

Major Risk Factors for CVDs​

include unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and smoking.

Preventing CVDs is a must!

17.9 million

deaths worldwide are caused by CVDs each year, but early detection can reduce this risk by up to 50%.


of CVDs are preventable through lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and regular monitoring.

Rs. 2 - 4 lakh

is the average cost of a heart attack in India, but regular preventive check-ups can reduce the risk and save lives.

How Vista helps?

Touchless monitoring

Measures vital signs without physical contact.

Measure on the go

Provides instant health metrics anytime, anywhere.

accessible 24*7

Available around the clock for continuous health tracking.

Easy to use

Simple interface for quick and straightforward operation.

How to use Vista?

Follow these steps for the best accuracy.

1. Access Vista

Access Vista on Medista app or at and get started.

2. Be ready

Follow these guidelines by Harvard before calculating.

3. Position Face correctly

Ensure your forehead and cheeks are not covered and are exposed.
Keep face steady when recording starts.

4. Proper Lighting

Ensure evenly distributed light on your face in a well-lit environment.

5. Record for 45 seconds

Keep your hands steady and record yourself. Get a report at the end.

What Vista calculates?

Vista calculates over 8 different values just from the face.

Blood Pressure

Both Systolic & Diastolic values.

Heart Rate

BPM values for a user.

Respiratory Rate

Rate of respiration as measured from the face.

Heart Rate Variability

Overall variations in the heart beats over time.

Stress score

Derived value determining stress levels.

Wellness Score

A proprietary scoring mechanism to rate wellness.

Vista - Report

Get a detailed report for your health stats

Our technology has been designed and tested across various lighting conditions and across all Fitzpatrick skin tones. The approach allows us to work in various spectrums of environment and surroundings without compromising on accuracy and reliability.
We are committed towards equitable and accessible healthcare for anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Vista is essential for


Insurers can accelerate their digital transformation and automation including underwriting, claims processing alongside offering patient wellness programs and health incentives. They can also leverage our platform health analytics and customer acquisition.


Corporate and communities can improve the health of their employees and members by making Wellness initiatives and programs actionable and comprehensive. Our comprehensive approach brings all things health and wellness in a single mobile app and web platform. In short, we are Holistic Health companion.

Health Care Providers

We understand the commitment and challenges faced by providers. Our platform brings operational efficiency and supports outcome based care including telehealth, remote monitoring, population health policies or patient engagement.

For Investigational Use Only. Medista and/or its products like Vista (Vital Stats) is not a substitute for clinical measurements or medical examination, treatment offered & conducted by qualified and certified health care professionals. Medista & Vista focus is to improve awareness and empower people towards their health and wellness goals. Medista and/or Vista do perform any diagnosis, prescribe, treat, offer alternatives, mitigate or prevent any medical conditions, disease, symptoms, and or any physical or non-physical disorders including mental. Do ensure and always consult with a healthcare professionals & providers, emergency services or help lines if you believe you may have a medical or mental issue or disorders.


ViSta stands Vital Stats associated with your health data e.g. blood works, oxygen saturation, heart rate variability, etc.
We measure blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate, stress levels, energy levels and wellness score.
We benchmark them to well-established standards to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Ensure your face is evenly and well illuminated with single source of light
  • Ensure stability of the camera, it best to mount/place it or keep it stable
  • Ensure there is no source of light behind you or directed towards camera
  • Avoid people movement around, and/or behind you
  • Ensure you don’t have face or forehead covered with anything
We do provide general recommendations for information purposes only. Please ensure that you discuss and review those recommendations with your doctors. Also the data provided by should not be used for any clinical or medical purpose.

Our contactless monitoring technology extracts information that allows us to calculate various factors like blood pressure using a combination of technologies including deep neural network, computer vision, signal processing and our proprietary algorithm. 

We are passionate about holistic health and wellness, and our passion makes us believe in doing whatever we can, be it innovation, revolution or continuous improvement. We are humble and hungry to make positive health and wellness for you and your loved ones.
Yes, Medista measurement works on all six skin tones classified and defined in Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification.
We do not save images or videos for the users. For us the user privacy and data protection is the core of everything we do.

Get started with Vista today.

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